Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Something MUST be done ....


Okay, so we all know about Mason's newest obsession - FOOTBALL. When my sweet little boy likes something - he REALLY likes it. He learns everything he can possibly learn about it and then has to practically LIVE it. The poor kid can't even get it off his mind. He makes his sister play with him, his friends, his grandpa and most of all his daddy. And if he wasn't playing it, he was playing it on a video game or watching it on TV. Of course, it doesn't help that it's football season and his dad has it on the TV 24/7! But it finally got to the point where something had to be done. He was sitting out on the front lawn throwing the football up in the air and catching it for HOURS straight! I finally told him that he had to limit the time he spent doing anything football. So, after a HUGE tantrum - (I'm talkin' slammed doors, pounding fists and kicking feet) we finally came to an agreement. He gets to play football on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. All other days he has to find something else he enjoys doing and do that. It was a rough go - but he almost seems relieved. Please tell me I did the right thing!


Shauna Hardy said...

Arrgh...football....I think I would have done the same thing. I don't think I could stand the same thing over and over again. Mason will be happy once he adjusts.

Andrea said...

I seriously love that kid! I think it is so cute that he loves something so much but I can see how it would get a little unnerving after awhile. If it makes you feel better, Chad and I think Landon dreams about Mario and Luigi. We might have to take the same action you did with Landon and his Super Mario obsession. Good Luck and hang in there during the withdrawls.

Leslie said...

This is a great post! You certainly don't need to worry about which sport he will want to play!

Jenni said...

That is pretty funny, at least you know that when he puts his mind to something he gets it done right? He is such a handsome boy!!!

Andrea said...

I had to sneak this in somehow....


Have a great day and I love ya!

glen, paige, & baby preston said...

I love your blog! It is so cute! you need to let me watch the kids and you can go leave town!xoxo