Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back to Blogging!

Wow! It's weird how out of touch you feel with the world when you stop blogging for a while. The hard drive on Ross' laptop died a while back and we just barely got it going again. I must say... it's good to be back. I have a lot to catch up on, so you might hear a lot from me over the next little while.

In the mean time... here is a funny picture of Cole wanting to be like his big brother. Honestly... Mason could do nothing wrong in Cole's eyes. If Mason laughs, Cole laughs... if Mason goes outside, Cole bangs his hands on the door to go outside... if Mason has a ball, Cole has to have a ball. It's really rather adorable if I do say so myself.



Andrea said...

Yeah!! I am so glad you are back to blogging! I have missed reading all your cute posts and looking in on my adorable niece and nephews!

That picture is so flippin' cute! Isn't funny how the little brother just automatically know that the older brother is the one they are supposed to look up to? Jack does the same thing with Landon. He gets so excited whenever Landon is around. SO CUTE!!

I'm looking forward to reading more posts! BTW, I love your new background! very cute.

Leslie said...

YAY! You are back! Thanks so much for your cute comments Amy. I have missed you on here! And thank you so much for bringing the fun b-day present over for Kaden. He loved it and he loves Mason.

Again, so glad you are back! And boy, if you weren't already superwoman you do a new background too? WOW!

Lindell said...

Glad youre back! 'nuf said :)

Greg said...

It's nice to have you back! I love the career day pictures. My favorite is Mason's face while looking at Ross.

Jenni said...

I was wondering where you went. It's not like you to post on a regular basis!!! Glad your back!!!