Isn't this just the cutest little monkey you've ever seen?
Why was everyone dressed so funny with crazy hair and big hats on their heads. He couldn't figure it out. The poor kid just sat and stared at everyone all day trying to figure it out. But he seemed to have fun.
By the time the night was over with he was so tired. I think he went to bed wondering if they day really happened - or if it was just a dream.
Okay and I know you are all SHOCKED to find out that Mason decided to be a football player. It was a shocker to me too. Needless to say, we didn't have to search too far to find his costume. He just had to decide which team he wanted to be.
We ended up going to "Play It Again Sports" and buying him some real football pants with pads to go along with it. Boy was he thrilled. He thought he was the coolest kid on the planet. Bless his little heart... he honestly thought that when he went places that people would think that he was a professional football player. You could just tell that his ego was sky high that day. (which is great with me for a change)
He wanted Ross to be a football player with him... but since he didn't have any football jerseys in his wardrobe ... Mason settled for Daddy being a soccer player. What a good Daddy.
Now tune in next year to see what he decides to be. If it's a repeat then you know we've got a real problem!!
I found the most adorable, "Princessy" looking witch costume you have ever seen. (and the price will remain unknown) It was the perfect little "Hallie witch" - lots of sparkles and extra purple rather than black! We even colored our hair PINK - (because Hallie cannot dress up without a touch of pink involved!).
So, for those of you who think all witches are scary and ugly... check out this beautiful witch!!
man oh man those are cute kids! and what BEAUTIFUl witches :)
I love it...all of you!! What good sports you and Ross are to dress up too. Me and Thiago are Halloween scrooges, both of us don't like dressing up. Looks like you had tons of fun!!
Good to see you the other night, thanks again for coming...I know that kind of stuff means alot to Thiago. You guys are great friends.
I just decided to quickly check to see if there were fresh pictures tonight and sure enough there were. I think I live for these blogs now. Your comments coupled with the pictures really did my heart good. Since I wasn't there, it helped me to live the evening and event with the kids and family. What a wonderful time and talk about cute. Oh my gosh! Thanks for doing such remarkable things and for making each even memorable in the eyes of a child. You will never regret that. And I must admit - you were a beautiful witch as well. Love you all
Oh my gosh! Those costumes are adorable! I even wanted to reach through the computer and squeeze Cole. How cute is he? And Hallie. Well, that is just the most beautiful little witch I have ever seen! And of course my sweet little Mason. Being a football player just totally fits him! I love it! And you and Ross looked great too. I am so glad you posted so many great pictures. It makes being apart on holidays a little easier. It's still hard but at least it's better than nothing! I can't wait for Thanksgiving either. I am SOOOOOOO excited to see you all! Love you
I love your boa! All of you look so great!
You guys are so cute!!
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