What have I been up to the past few weeks, you ask? I'll tell you - swimming lessons! Now most of you may assume that there must be other things taking up Amy's time besides swimming lessons... but you would be assuming wrong. Let's just say that when the lessons are from noon - 1:00 - every single day for two weeks it tends to consume your whole day. How does that work.? Well, now there's no need to remind y'all that mornings just aren't my thing - so needless to say, just simply getting up, feeding the kids and getting us all to swimming by noon is more than enough to fill up my mornings! And then after an hour of cheering on my 2 swimmers, hauling them home (wet), bathing them and getting them dressed and ready for the re
st of the day - I'm pooped! I might as well call it a day, because anything else I accomplish is a miracle. So, when Ross gets home and asks me what we did - and every single day I say "we went to swimming lessons" - what can I say, I'm lucky we did that!
Well, on the bright side... the kids are doing awesome at swimming! Bar a few days of bribery to get th
em to lay on their backs and threatening them to get them to go in the deep end - they've done excellent! I'm very proud of my little fishies. They can definately hold their own. They've worked hard and faced their fears and I really believe that our consistency has paid off. So yeah! (pat myself on the back) We did it! And now we get a week off! Unfortunately, my week off will be spent away from my kids at Girl's Camp - but what d' ya do? The blessings will follow, I'm sure! Sigh...
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